Living behind the bars for 22 long years serving a death sentence pronounced years ago and the hopes being pardoned and going back to his native country dying each day is certainly one of the most painful and dreaded trauma that one can face in his/her lifetime.
Sarabjit Singh who was convicted of terrorism and spying by Pakistani court and was tried and convicted by The Supreme Court of Pakistan for a series of bomb attacks in Lahore and Faisalabad that killed 14 bystanders, in 1990, finally took his last breathe on 2nd May’2013 at 12:45am at the Jinnah Hospital, Lahore after he was attacked by fellow prisoners in the Central jail Lahore (Kot Lakhpat jail).
With Sarabjit’s death there’s seems to be a permanent lock on the Indo-Pak political diplomacy and round of peace talks has perhaps closed its eyes forever, further worsening the relation between the two countries..
As the name suggests PAKISTAN which signifies ‘Land of Pure’, however the course of action of this country and the way they have introspected every situation has certainly contradicted the name. Sarabjit’s case was another live and strong example of that. This is obviously not a stereotyped opinion, but certain fact clearly indicates it.
Starting from the attack on Sarabjit when in prison, reports suggest that the attack on him was carried out using bricks, sharp metal sheets, iron rods and blades. This certainly gives a big reason to think and gives birth to serious suspicion. Over the years Sarabjit has popped up as renowned figure among the world diplomats and the perhaps everyone is well aware how sensitive the matter was, so how come Pakistan didn’t even take care of the minimal security measures for Sarabjit. Moreover, it’s really shocking how fatal articles like blade, sharp metals, iron rod etc. were available for the attack.
Secondly, if we move a few steps back, after the 2001 Parliament Attack Convict, Afzal Guru was executed, Sarabjit Singh was continuously threatened, and finally he is attacked and killed. This certainly gives a huge reason to worry. Further according to the recent news after Sarabjit’s body was returned to India and a second autopsy was being conducted by a group of doctors, they were shocked to find that his vital organs like kidney, heart, stomach etc. were missing. These organs are of utmost importance to find the cause of death, but why Pakistan didn’t want India to know Sarabjit’s cause of death, only they can give the answer to it.
A British lawyer, Jas Uppal, campaigning for his release, pointed to several problems with the prosecution in the trial. Some of them were
His identity was never verified or proved in court and no forensic evidence was provided at his trial to link him to the bomb attacks. Secondly, the trial was conducted in English, whereas Sarabjit does not speak or understand English, and an interpreter was not provided.
In the past there had been numerous instances of Pakistan back stabbing India, and this one too perhaps falls in that category. An Indian prisoner is attacked and killed inside the prison, but as of now the officials themselves doesn’t have any clearly information even about the number of attackers. Though reports suggest that, two were arrested but official confirmation still waited. These certainly raise serious questions on Pakistan’s accountability and off course mentality.
Sarabjit left forever, but who is actually responsible for his death. Is it Sarabjit himself as under the influence of alcohol, he unknowingly crossed the border? Is it the government of India who could have done more to bring back Sarabjit or it is Pakistan for obvious? One is still longing for the answer.
Someone have very rightly pointed out, that death was perhaps more peaceful for Sarabjit as rather than dying each day for 22years, closing the eyes forever was far better. In Pakistan the life term imprisonment is of maximum 14 years, but Sarabjit was serving in jail for 22 long years. Certainly his hopes had died long back; it was only his body that left for the heavenly journey.
Sarabjit Singh who was convicted of terrorism and spying by Pakistani court and was tried and convicted by The Supreme Court of Pakistan for a series of bomb attacks in Lahore and Faisalabad that killed 14 bystanders, in 1990, finally took his last breathe on 2nd May’2013 at 12:45am at the Jinnah Hospital, Lahore after he was attacked by fellow prisoners in the Central jail Lahore (Kot Lakhpat jail).
With Sarabjit’s death there’s seems to be a permanent lock on the Indo-Pak political diplomacy and round of peace talks has perhaps closed its eyes forever, further worsening the relation between the two countries..
As the name suggests PAKISTAN which signifies ‘Land of Pure’, however the course of action of this country and the way they have introspected every situation has certainly contradicted the name. Sarabjit’s case was another live and strong example of that. This is obviously not a stereotyped opinion, but certain fact clearly indicates it.
Starting from the attack on Sarabjit when in prison, reports suggest that the attack on him was carried out using bricks, sharp metal sheets, iron rods and blades. This certainly gives a big reason to think and gives birth to serious suspicion. Over the years Sarabjit has popped up as renowned figure among the world diplomats and the perhaps everyone is well aware how sensitive the matter was, so how come Pakistan didn’t even take care of the minimal security measures for Sarabjit. Moreover, it’s really shocking how fatal articles like blade, sharp metals, iron rod etc. were available for the attack.
Secondly, if we move a few steps back, after the 2001 Parliament Attack Convict, Afzal Guru was executed, Sarabjit Singh was continuously threatened, and finally he is attacked and killed. This certainly gives a huge reason to worry. Further according to the recent news after Sarabjit’s body was returned to India and a second autopsy was being conducted by a group of doctors, they were shocked to find that his vital organs like kidney, heart, stomach etc. were missing. These organs are of utmost importance to find the cause of death, but why Pakistan didn’t want India to know Sarabjit’s cause of death, only they can give the answer to it.
A British lawyer, Jas Uppal, campaigning for his release, pointed to several problems with the prosecution in the trial. Some of them were
His identity was never verified or proved in court and no forensic evidence was provided at his trial to link him to the bomb attacks. Secondly, the trial was conducted in English, whereas Sarabjit does not speak or understand English, and an interpreter was not provided.
In the past there had been numerous instances of Pakistan back stabbing India, and this one too perhaps falls in that category. An Indian prisoner is attacked and killed inside the prison, but as of now the officials themselves doesn’t have any clearly information even about the number of attackers. Though reports suggest that, two were arrested but official confirmation still waited. These certainly raise serious questions on Pakistan’s accountability and off course mentality.
Sarabjit left forever, but who is actually responsible for his death. Is it Sarabjit himself as under the influence of alcohol, he unknowingly crossed the border? Is it the government of India who could have done more to bring back Sarabjit or it is Pakistan for obvious? One is still longing for the answer.
Someone have very rightly pointed out, that death was perhaps more peaceful for Sarabjit as rather than dying each day for 22years, closing the eyes forever was far better. In Pakistan the life term imprisonment is of maximum 14 years, but Sarabjit was serving in jail for 22 long years. Certainly his hopes had died long back; it was only his body that left for the heavenly journey.