With the Lok Sabha polls knocking at the door and all the political parties unfolding its final cards, perhaps the whole of India’s politically aware class had been voraciously waiting for Congress Party’s foreseeable prime ministerial candidate’s first ever one-on-one television interview.
However, the war of words between one of India’s greatest anchors, the editor –in-chief of Times Now, Mr. Arnab Goswami and the most hyped and influential politician proved to be a one sided battle.
Right from the start when questions began to shot on Mr. Gandhi, the fact was that he was fumbling and also his nervousness was evident from each answer he was delivering. All throughout the show the interviewer kept asking specific questions and anticipated the same from Mr. Gandhi. However, on the contrary the interviewee was either dodging the questions or being evasive towards them. Words like RTI, women empowerment, making change, decentralization etc, flooded a huge fraction of his answers, irrespective of different question. Also, the crux of many answers that Mr. Gandhi tried to substantiate, the flag bearer were these words itself.
Speaking about the plausible PM candidate’s nervousness, his actions clearly indicated that. Be it he fumbling with his words, awkward long pauses before answers or shooting back questions to the interviewer himself. Also if one was glued to the screen thoroughly, would be aware that all throughout the high voltage interview Rahul failed to keep his eye contacts with Arnab. This type of actions creeps in only out of sheer lack of confidence and nervousness.
“I'm a serious politician, I'm not here for power or money" said, Mr. Gandhi on many occasions. The most unfortunate part of it was that even after spending one decade in the political arena, Mr. Gandhi who has been climbing might through dynastic politics and eyeing the country’s highest throne, has to establish his seriousness by words of mouth rather than actions. And this is assuredly a matter of great concern for the party and himself as well.
For a common Indian Mr. Gandhi’s answers looked pretty much like the recitation of his own manifesto that mainly consisted of what he wants to do and what he is doing. Perhaps, Arnab was right at some point, stating, if he has to listen to Rahul Gandhi’s aims and aspirations, he would attend a rally addressed by Mr. Gandhi, rather than conducting an interview.
Since, the entire show was thronged with Mr. Gandhi chanting about RTI and his party workers contributing towards it. Let’s put light towards one of the abhorrent incidents that took place on July 2012 in Assam where nation award winning renowned RTI activist and peasant leader, Mr. Akhil Gogoi was attacked by youth congress workers. Thus, the people who are enlightened about this incident of Assam would certainly muse on, is this how Youth Congress is promoting RTI?
Perceiving the interview the voters perhaps got an idea of how the Congress Vice president is in lack of deep rooted knowledge, is obligate and naive about most things. As Arnab started by saying that this was Rahul Gandhi’s first ever elaborate sit-down interview in his tenure of ten years as an MP, one would just hope that the perspiring interview with Arnab, doesn’t turn to be his last one too.
[The first version of the write-up was featured by Indian Exponent and Meri-news ]
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However, the war of words between one of India’s greatest anchors, the editor –in-chief of Times Now, Mr. Arnab Goswami and the most hyped and influential politician proved to be a one sided battle.
Right from the start when questions began to shot on Mr. Gandhi, the fact was that he was fumbling and also his nervousness was evident from each answer he was delivering. All throughout the show the interviewer kept asking specific questions and anticipated the same from Mr. Gandhi. However, on the contrary the interviewee was either dodging the questions or being evasive towards them. Words like RTI, women empowerment, making change, decentralization etc, flooded a huge fraction of his answers, irrespective of different question. Also, the crux of many answers that Mr. Gandhi tried to substantiate, the flag bearer were these words itself.
Speaking about the plausible PM candidate’s nervousness, his actions clearly indicated that. Be it he fumbling with his words, awkward long pauses before answers or shooting back questions to the interviewer himself. Also if one was glued to the screen thoroughly, would be aware that all throughout the high voltage interview Rahul failed to keep his eye contacts with Arnab. This type of actions creeps in only out of sheer lack of confidence and nervousness.
“I'm a serious politician, I'm not here for power or money" said, Mr. Gandhi on many occasions. The most unfortunate part of it was that even after spending one decade in the political arena, Mr. Gandhi who has been climbing might through dynastic politics and eyeing the country’s highest throne, has to establish his seriousness by words of mouth rather than actions. And this is assuredly a matter of great concern for the party and himself as well.
For a common Indian Mr. Gandhi’s answers looked pretty much like the recitation of his own manifesto that mainly consisted of what he wants to do and what he is doing. Perhaps, Arnab was right at some point, stating, if he has to listen to Rahul Gandhi’s aims and aspirations, he would attend a rally addressed by Mr. Gandhi, rather than conducting an interview.
Since, the entire show was thronged with Mr. Gandhi chanting about RTI and his party workers contributing towards it. Let’s put light towards one of the abhorrent incidents that took place on July 2012 in Assam where nation award winning renowned RTI activist and peasant leader, Mr. Akhil Gogoi was attacked by youth congress workers. Thus, the people who are enlightened about this incident of Assam would certainly muse on, is this how Youth Congress is promoting RTI?
Perceiving the interview the voters perhaps got an idea of how the Congress Vice president is in lack of deep rooted knowledge, is obligate and naive about most things. As Arnab started by saying that this was Rahul Gandhi’s first ever elaborate sit-down interview in his tenure of ten years as an MP, one would just hope that the perspiring interview with Arnab, doesn’t turn to be his last one too.
[The first version of the write-up was featured by Indian Exponent and Meri-news ]
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